Rowdy, Taylor & Blake

Rowdy, Taylor & Blake

Monday, February 10, 2014

30 week update

Where to begin....

I have been looking back over my previous blog posts, I blogged a ton of my pregnancy with Blake but practically none with baby girl! Man, life changes so quickly that I've literally lost all sense of time. It's hard to believe that we are just over two months away from meeting our daughter, what an amazing experience that will be. Blake is starting to notice my ever growing belly. He lifts my shirt up and pokes my protruding belly button and laughs, he thinks it's hysterical. The other day baby girl kicked him and I put his hand on it to feel it. He pulled it away and started poking the spot that she had kicked, confused. Poor little boy has no idea what is coming his way.

Truth be told, he's enthralled with babies, at least other people's babies. We are teaching him to be "nice" and "gentle", and it's very cute watching him be so tender with his bear and with us. Sometimes he forgets and gets really rough, as most one year old boys do, but he often times walks right up to me when I'm sitting on the floor and put his arm around my neck and lays his head on my shoulder and then gives me a kiss, absolutely melts my heard. I can't wait for him to be a big brother and hope that he and little miss will be just as close as Levi and I were growing up. We did everything together, we were best friends.

Blake is a great eater, he has my taste buds. Not very fond of cheese or noodles but he will eat anything else. Give him cherry tomatoes and he will eat 100 of them if you let him. Jane gave him a pickled beat the other day, he ate the whole thing! He is full of mischief and smiles too. He's a climber, just like me and he cannot bare to miss anything that may be going on, just like his daddy. He talks a lot and knows a lot of words for his age, which of course makes a mama proud. He loves books and the telephone along with the remotes and DVD cases. Anything he can't play with he wants and anything he can play with he could care less about, of course.

He's out of 12mo clothing now but still skinny, we practically have to overlap his diaper straps to keep it on his waist. He absolutely loves bath time and always eats the bubbles, yuck. He is a good helper over at grammy and popi's house, throwing away his diapers, helping carry grammy's un-opened can of diet coke (and sucking on the cold can before he drops it on the floor next to the freezer where she always puts it for ten minutes to get it extra cold). He's a pro stair climber and scales down them at lightening speed. He is trying to learn how to close doors, but often ends up locking himself in the room instead of outside, ha. He is seriously the cutest boy on the planet.

This pregnancy has seriously flown by it seems. Only ten weeks left and she will hopefully make her appearance. Still no stretch marks, no swelling of any kind and my weight gain is just a little under what it was with Blake at this stage. She's low, head down and likes to stretch out, a lot, and boy does it hurt! Nothing like it did with Blake. It seriously doubles me over at times. As far as names go, we have four that we like and are trying hard to narrow them down. Rowdy thinks we should make it our tradition to draw our kids' names out of a hat, I told him that was a one time thing because chances of drawing the name I want twice in a row are more rare than I like. No idea for middle names either, I want to use family names but we don't agree on certain ones. I'm getting baby fever seeing all my friends who have just had babies, there is just something about the newborn stage, even though you are sleep deprived among other lovely post pregnancy side effects.

It's kind of funny, with Blake I loved and adored every second being pregnant, up until I hit 40 weeks, then I was in a different world. I didn't understand why my SIL, Danielle who was also pregnant and two months ahead of me, was "done" being pregnant so early in the game. I now understand that "done-ness". Chasing around a toddler, going to school and working seriously sucks the life right out of me, I am exhausted and considering I'm not getting skinny any time soon, the ever growing belly makes it hard to sleep and I am often uncomfortable and my back hurts like crazy. I am "done" being pregnant and I have ten weeks left! However, for the safety and health of our daughter, I will gladly carry her another ten weeks so she can grow and be healthy, but I now understand what my SIL meant.

I've kind of adopted a new theory with labor, seeing as last time not a darn thing went to "plan", I have a different approach. Come what may. That's my theory. I'm not going to write out a detailed labor plan like I did last time, however, I still am very anti-pitocin and pray with all my heart I never need a C-section, those two things freak me out. I look forward to the day she decides to arrive and I'm not nervous or freaked out a bit, now that I have something to reference to. Lacey is supposed to be flying in for a little while as well so I am super excited to see my sister!

On a different note, Rowdy is working full time and going to school full time. He is super busy to say the least but he is managing to continue to achieve good grades and is working towards his goal of graduation in a year or so from now, then off to law school we go after he takes his LSAT. I have five classes left to take and then I am DONE. Have I ever mentioned how OVER school I am? My plan is to take one class online next term since baby girl is due one month into it, it makes it hard to take more than one class, and at least I won't have to leave home. That will leave me with four classes to finish over the summer and fall terms and then I will be a college graduate with a double bachelor's degree! Peace out PSU! I have been in school forever, and although it has taken me much longer than most, I will have gotten married, had two children and graduated college with two degrees in a matter of 6 years. Crazy. We honestly couldn't do any of this without our family's help. Both Rowdy's parents and my family help us so much with Blake so that we can stay on top of school. We are incredibly blessed, to put it mildly. We are also lucky that our children are able to know their grandparents and great grandma and have strong bonds with each of them.

30 weeks with Blake on the left and 30 weeks with baby girl on right.