Rowdy, Taylor & Blake

Rowdy, Taylor & Blake

Saturday, October 23, 2010

"Running Off the Flab"-Gen Toki

So I've decided that it's time, time to get my big booty in shape. Since I have transferred home from Linfield, I have gained 15lbs!!!!! Although I don't necessarily look like I've gained that much, I have. I've been reading an old friends' blog, "Running Off the Flab" and have been inspired to get back to being healthy. I have a wedding coming up in 9 months along with the rest of my life.. imagine that! So, with exercise, eating healthy and a TON of discipline, I'm hoping to not only get back to my old weight, but to lose an extra 2-5lbs ON TOP of my 15lbs. My goal is to get down to 128lbs by March-ish (if you do some simple math you can probably figure out about how much I'm weighing now...). I'm not entirely sure how I'm going to do this as far as details go, so a little advice would be MUCH appreciated =) I figure if two of my friends that have recently had babies can get down to their old size... there should be nothing stopping me, right? I LOVE ice cream, so I can possibly start to replace that with chocolate slim fasts when I'm having a craving. No more Frenchfries, oh how I crave those late at night! I need to buy some brown rice and eat lots of raw veggies (which luckily I love) and drink a crap ton of H2O. Another downfall, I love carby foods, like homemade bread and noodles. I'm trying to figure out a way to motivate myself to workout at home when I have the twins, because lets face it, motherhood takes a lot of energy out of you, and once it's their bedtime, you definitely feel like it's yours too. And they are up by 7am and sometimes we are up at 530am on Tues/Thurs when I have school early. So, if any of my readers have any good tips, anything at all, please feel free to send them my way! I don't want to do a crash diet or a "specialty" diet, the point of being healthy is making "life" changes, things that I can do for the rest of my life, not just a few month period. So "stay tuned" as they say for more updates on my life, the twins, wedding plans as well as my new adventure to being fit, again.


  1. Oh--how I know the joy of taking off the weight--3 times. It really is all about cutting out the complex carbs, finding healthy snack, and the thing that will be great for you is to stop eating after 7:30 pm. That one really helps because your metabolism slows down when you sleep--so your body isn't taking in food with not a great source of burning it off. On days weith good weather take the kids to the track and let them run around, while you walk or run the track. Take them on a bike ride while you walk. Make a list of what you are eating. I have friends that swear by weight watchers, and I think you can even do it online. Oh, the other thing is to choose an event like a race or triatholon and sign up for it--that will help motivate you to exercise to be ready for it. Good luck!

  2. Ah... eating after 730 is a rough one for me, especially when I'm at your parents house and Lacey makes brownies at 8:30... like tonight while we are watching amazing race. Thanks for the tips sis!

  3. Noelle, Dereik and I plan to start up the meet at the track again on the weekends for walkers/runners to meet up and be active. Come run with us.
    I've lost 55 lbs and have had pretty good luck keeping it off- I gain about 5 lbs back and am able to lose it pretty easily. I calorie counted and worked out- it was the easiest for me. I didn't care about what I ate, if you count the calories after a while you'll figure out which foods you can eat more of. And I'd still eat desert. If you want to chat about it ever give me a call and I can talk to you about it. :) -Steph

  4. So, this is what I used to recommend to my clients at Y-BE-FIT.... 1)DON"T SNACK!!! when you feel "snacky" cravings, drink lots of water, do something to distract yourself, chew gum, etc.. 2)Get into a routine of working out regularly... and not just cardio. You need to circuit train and lift weights... so high cardio done with intervals of weight lifting.. if you want i can write up a program for you, let me know.. anyways, 3) If you go on a diet, that means you have to go off one... it is all about lifestyle changes when it comes to nutrition. Don't just say no sugary foods or carbs... it wont work. ALL THINGS IN MODERATION. You just have to be concious of what you are eating (what is in it) and how much of it you are eating... of course there are things you should always say no too... like twinkies, doughnuts, deep fried foods, you know.. eat healthy, but allow yourself a little treat every once in awhile so that you don't break and then binge! I hope that helps a litle bit! This is what I used to do for a job and graduated in... so if you have any other questions, let me know!

  5. I really liked what Anna said! I've been doing P90X and trying to cut out the snacky carbs I used to eat and slow down on the sugar. Part of my problem is that I'm an emotional eater, especially when it comes to sugar and being bored. I'm on week 10 of P90X which does cardio and strength training. Techincally I have only lost 1 pound...however...I have gained lots of muscle and I have really toned up (just ask my family, they've seen my guns via skype!). We have also cut out more meat in our diet. The Word of Wisdom says "sparingly", so to us we decided having meat 2-3 times a week for dinner was good. You have no idea how much better I feel now! It's awesome :) I'm always here for support too!

  6. Thanks you for all of your support!
